Perfectionism - a crippling anxiety around performance.

In my work with high performers and business owners it is increasingly clear to me that their biggest obstacle to success is themselves. They are content experts in their field but are dragged down by their anxiety, poor time management, inability to focus, and self-sabotage.

My role is help you overcome these emotional and organizational issues so that you can truly excel in your business and your personal life. 

Underneath Perfectionism is a fear of not being good enough, being publicly embarrassed, or of disappointing others.

This course will help you to break free from this mental prison and have more agency in your world.

This course is designed for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and start-up founders.

Anybody who wants to be in control of their own destiny but finds themselves hamstrung by emotional and logistical barriers. This course will help you to be more productive, present, and focused - and, while you're at, it become a better person along the way. You'll not only learn how to show up in your professional life but you'll be a better partner, parent, and friend.

In this course you will learn:

How and why perfectionism shows up in our lives

How to create organizational systems to overcome emotional barriers

Uncover the deeper psychological roots of perfectionism

And how to create a long-term practice plan that you can implement to keep these lessons alive

About the Course Instructor:

Marc Azoulay LPC, LAC, CGP, ACS is the founder of Men’s Therapy Online, a community and healing hub for men who want to get back on their feet or take their lives to the next level. With the help of his team of licensed clinicians he provides ongoing men’s groups, individual counseling, and powerful wilderness retreats to his members. With a background in psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and Buddhism, Marc is able help men uncover and destroy the unconscious barriers that hold them back. His mission is to help men become the best versions of themselves and truly show up for their lives, relationships, and community.